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Meet Jennifer

I am a proud Peninsula native who grew up exploring our parks and walking our downtown streets. Those early experiences shaped my love for our community and my commitment to keeping it vibrant and welcoming. I’m running for City Council because I care deeply about Menlo Park’s community and future. 


I attended school in Portola Valley and Redwood City before earning my B.A. from U.C. Berkeley. After college, I spent five years away from the Bay Area, which only deepened my appreciation for the beauty and lifestyle we enjoy here. While away, I lived in Washington D.C., where I served as a Presidential Appointee for the Obama Administration; and in Texas where I led a preschool. 


I was thrilled to move back to the Bay Area to attend law school at Santa Clara University. I later joined the Menlo Park Library Commission to give back to the library I love and use so often. It was through this work that I became more engaged and interested in local policies. 


As a tax and estate planning attorney, a Menlo Park resident, and a public service leader, I understand the importance of maintaining our quality of life, ensuring neighborhood safety, and strengthening our communities. Menlo Park is an amazing community I am proud to call home, and with your support, we can make it even better.

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Top Priorities

Quality of Life

- Revitalizing our Downtown to make it welcoming to small businesses and families from all over the Peninsula.

- Protecting and expanding our green spaces and parks to keep Menlo Park climate friendly and beautiful.

- Maintaining exceptional library services, particularly for our youth.

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- Creating and maintaining safer walking paths to Menlo Park schools.

- Safe streets for pedestrians, bikes, and cars.

- Disaster preparation for extreme weather events.

- Partnering with the police force to ensure our homes are safe.


Families & Community

- Supporting our excellent schools via the upcoming Bond measure and beyond.

- Implementing the state-mandated housing element in a meaningful and deliberate way.

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Words of Support & Endorsements


"Jennifer is an outstanding community member who cares deeply about her neighbors and her city. With her positive energy, astute professionalism, and inclusive vision for what Menlo Park can become, Jennifer would make a great addition to the City Council."

- Maria Doerr, Menlo Park City Councilmember of District 5


"Jennifer Wise will work hard to advance Menlo Park's housing goals. She'll help ensure we deliver on our vision for a vibrant, diverse Menlo Park and on the strategies in our state-approved Housing Element.  Jennifer will bring fresh perspectives, future-focused commitment and impressive energy to City Council. As a long-time District 5 resident, she has my full support."
- Jennifer Schindler, Chair, Menlo Park Planning Commission


​​"I'm excited to endorse Jennifer Wise for Menlo Park City Council. She'll help protect our quality of life, revitalize downtown, preserve our green spaces, and support safe and healthy families and neighborhoods. She represents the next generation of thoughtful, energetic, and committed leadership that we need."

- Jeff Schmidt, Chair of the Menlo Park Environmental Quality Commission 


"I have been impressed with Jennifer’s commitment to our community and know as a City Council member she will work to benefit Menlo Park residents.”

- Carol Orton, Chair of the Menlo Park Library Commission and former trustee of the Menlo Park City School District


Additional Endorsements:

  • Anna Eshoo, U.S. Representative of California’s 16th District

  • Ray Mueller, San Mateo County Supervisor and former City Councilmember of Menlo Park District 5

  • Josh Becker, Senator of California State Senate District 13

  • Francesca Segre, President of the Menlo Park School Board

  • Sally Cole, Chair of the Menlo Park Complete Streets Commission

  • Andrew Ehrich, Vice Chair of the Menlo Park Planning Commission

  • San Mateo County Democrats 

  • California Young Democrats - Bay Area Region Chapter

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